Learn for Pleasure

View courses starting 20th January 2025

View courses starting 22nd April 2025

Lit column candles

What do our Learners Say?

David W – Introduction to British Folklore:

“I would just like to say how much I enjoyed the Folklore course that I have just completed.

Excellent, well structured, and fascinating material combined with a great tutor.

I will certainly be doing another Learn For Pleasure course in the near future”.


“That has been amazing, and I enjoyed the course so much – the material that has been offered and the information and discussions in the forum. I also liked the platform, very appropriate and organised so that a student can easily find what they might be looking for.”


“It’s been both educational and enjoyable, I have learned so many new things and had a lot of fun along the way.  Online learning is definitely the way for me, this course has been one of the most interesting things I’ve ever done.”

Our Distance Learning Courses

Our courses are run online, and have been designed for those who would like to learn about a subject  with guidance from an experienced tutor. They are all non-accredited and non-credit bearing with no exams nor compulsory assessments. Being online, they also offer the flexibility of being able to study at a time and place that suits you.

They are particularly suitable if you:

  • have not studied for some time and are looking for a gentle reintroduction to study
  • wish to pursue an interest with guidance and feedback from an experienced tutor
  • are unsure about studying
  • would like to see how much you can take on before committing to a more demanding accredited course
  • do not wish to take assessments
  • do not wish to work towards an award

You will be issued with details which will provide access to the course website. You will be able to log into the course website at any time. Full instructions describing how to use the course website and discussion forums will be provided and technical support is available.

Who can study these courses?

Our courses are open to everyone over 18 years old:

  • You do not need to be an existing student of a university, or indeed of any institution; at the same time we welcome those who are currently enrolled on a course of study in any institution.
  • We welcome people from the UK and all over the world.
  • There are no academic prerequisites.
  • You do not need any experience of studying online – support is provided.
  • You do not need to have English as a first language – some of our learners study with us in order to practise and develop their language skills and you are most welcome to do so – but please note that the subject of the course is the tutor’s focus and language support is not provided.

So to give you an idea of who you are likely to ‘meet’ online, our learners:

  • Are international
  • May be unemployed, in study, in employment, caring for a family, or retired
  • May be any age – from eighteen to those in their nineties
  • May have disabilities and/or significant ill health – these courses can be a particularly helpful form of learning for those who are housebound
  • May study for personal interest, to keep mentally active, to explore a new area of study, or with a view to developing or even changing their careers

So you are likely to interact with learners with a wide variety of backgrounds and life-experiences. We look forward to you joining us.