If you are seeing this page it is probably because you were looking for your course, or course materials, at the old ELT well members learning environment, and you have been redirected here.
That learning environment has now been decommissioned and the courses and materials have been migrated to our learning environment. Learn for Pleasure is very happy to welcome you. Our learning environment is Moodle, which is the same as the old ELT well learning environment, but is a later version so it should be both familiar and offer improvements.
You should have received your new log in details for Learn for Pleasure by email on 13th October 2022. If you haven’t received them please check your junk/spam folder. If you still haven’t received them please contact:
Anne Margaret at ELT well to verify your registration.
To access your course or course materials use the “log in” link at the top right hand side of our webpages.