Ed Bremner is a digital imaging professional with a background in commercial photography who now works as a consultant and trainer. Although an early adopter of digital photography, his love and knowledge of photography began with film (analogue) photography.
After spending twenty years building a career as a commercial photographer, Ed returned to the London College of Printing (University of the Arts – London) for the newly formed MA in Digital Imaging, where he specialised in imaging for the heritage sector. Building on his new expertise in digital imaging, he worked for a year at Tate Gallery, defining and establishing the infrastructure and methodology for all digital capture within the TATE InSight project, putting Tate artworks online.
This led to working as a researcher and consultant on a number of large digitisation and digital imaging projects within the academic and heritage sectors whilst working at the universities of Bristol and Bath. Alongside this, Ed has always been busy running workshops and courses in a range of topics around digital imaging and photography, including working as an Associate Lecturer on Photography BA courses in the South West.
More recently, working at Plymouth University, Ed has become involved in building and delivering online courses, pushing the boundaries of what is possible using a range of social media and online collaborative software to improve online learning.
His expertise in photography encompasses a wide range of analogue and digital skills, from microfiche to large format, and mobile phone to scanner, with particular interest in the online use of images and media, especially within online learning.
Ed is still taking lots of photos, some of which can be seen online at: http://www.bremweb.co.uk and https://www.instagram.com/ed_bremner/.
Courses delivered by Ed: