Dr Anne Margaret Smith has taught English for 30 years in Kenya, Germany, Sweden and the UK. She is also a dyslexia specialist tutor and assessor. She founded ELT well with the intention of bringing together best practice from the two fields of ELT and SpLD support, and now offers materials and training to teachers, as well as specialist teaching to dyslexic learners.
She has worked with Professor Judit Kormos (Lancaster University) on several projects, including the ELTon award-winning EU project ‘DysTEFL’, and the annual FutureLearn /Lancaster University MOOC ‘Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching’. Their book, which formed the basis of these projects, ‘Teaching Languages to Students with Specific Learning Differences’ (Multilingual Matters; 2012), has now been translated into Japanese and the updated second edition is due out in 2021.
Anne Margaret is one of the founders and the co-ordinator of the IATEFL SIG: Inclusive Practices and SEN. Find out more at ELT well .
Courses by Anne Margaret: