Lynne Thompson

Tutor Lynne ThompsonLynne Thompson has over thirty years of experience in adult education and has taught in various universities in Northern England. She joined the University of Exeter in 1994 where she pioneered distance learning degrees in History and Humanities, and non-accredited courses online, completing her employment there in 2017. She has been an Associate Lecturer in Humanities and Heritage subjects for the Open University since 2000 and currently tutors modules in arts and early modern European history. Lynne is a historian of rural and agrarian England, publishing largely on countryside movements and rural education. Her current interests relate to how history is interpreted and presented in popular film, artistic and literary forms, covering early modern Europe to the present.

Lynne lives near Lancaster, where she works with a local history group, but also has a base (and a daughter and grand children) in Exeter – so things can get a little hectic at times. What keeps her going is an ongoing commitment to lifelong learning, and she particularly enjoys the challenge of engaging with students in a variety of situations – online, face to face, in village halls …

Outside work, she walks her dog, explores walking trails and – when she gets the chance – enjoys skiing.

Courses delivered by Lynne:


